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Settings - Transfers - Magnet Links
[img style=inline]settings_maglinks_v321.png[/img] [b]Magnet link formats for transfer popup menu:[/b] Here the user can select how the Magnet link format will look for the transfer pop-up menu. [code][hash][/code] is the placeholder for the base32 encoded hash of a v1 torrent. This is the most common encoding for v1 torrent magnet links. If the torrent is v2-only, then this will be equivalent to [code][hash2][/code]. [code][hash16][/code] is the placeholder for the base16 encoded hash of a v1 torrent. If the torrent is v2-only, then this will be equivalent to [code][hash2][/code]. [code][hash2][/code] is the placeholder for the base16 encoded hash of a v2 torrent. All v2 magnet links are always base16 encoded as per the standard. Note that for v2 torrent hashes, the proper attribute prefix is [code]btmh:[/code]. This will be automatically substituted in the format string as needed. [b]Append a magnet link to this text file when a new transfer starts[/b] Here the user can create a log-file that will be updated with a magnet link when any new transfer is loaded into Tixati. The Magnet Link Format and Date/Time Line Before Link options allow the user to specify how the log file is formatted. [b]Append a magnet link to this text file when a transfer completes[/b] Here the user can create a log-file that will be updated with a magnet link when a transfer completes. The Magnet Link Format and Date/Time Line Before Link options allow the user to specify how the log file is formatted.
Format Guide
[h]section header[/h]
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