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Config File Storage
Tixati's config files are stored in a special folder, and keep track of the program state between sessions, such as the names of transfers, file hashes, file names, and miscellaneous settings.


On Windows 7 and newer systems, the config files for Tixati are usually stored in:


And on older Windows systems, the location is usually:

C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\tixati

You may need to adjust your file explorer settings to view special or hidden folders because AppData is usually hidden by default.


On all Linux systems, the config directory is determined by following these steps in order:

If the command line flag --user-data-dir=/path/to/dir is present, then that path will be used.

If the environment variable TIXATI_USER_DATA_DIR is set, then that path will be used.

If the environment variable TIXATI_CONFIG_HOME is set, then that path appended with /tixati will be used.

If the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, then that path appended with /tixati will be used if it exists.

If the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, then ~/.config/tixati will be used if it exists.

If the path ~/.tixati exists, then it will be used.

If the environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set, then that path appended with /tixati will be used.

And finally, the ultimate default path is ~/.config/tixati

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