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The search is part of Tixati's unique decentralized sharing channels system. It allows you to find links to transfers other users decided to share. Those links can be either regular web links or magnet-links.

To make use of it, join one or more of the popular channels. After a short time Tixati will retrieve a list of shared links and then you are good to go!

Note of caution: Finding content via shares is no different to a website. Downloading software from unknown sources is potentially unsafe and may contain malware.

In the screenshot above a search for "linux debian" was conducted in "Any" mode. Therefore the results included all transfers that contain "linux" or "debian". No results were excluded by a keyword.

The search results contain: name, size and file count. If the user manually added a description, it will appear as well.
Double clicking a magnet-link share will add it as a new transfer. In case of a web link, you will visit the website.

The arrow on the left of "debian-edu-10.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso" indicates that multiple people have this item in their shares. To view more information - click on it.

Buttons description:

This will open a new search window; you run multiple searches at once.
Erases all search results and cancels a running search.
This button appears on the right (under the channel list) only when a search is running. Click it to stop a running search, the results will not be cleared.

Match / Exclude
Search input. The results are first matched and then excluded to allow you fine-grained filtering.
Selects the search mode for your keywords. Detailed explanation below

Shared Transfer Links
Search for magnet-links?
Shared Web Links
Search for Web Links?
Match Descriptions
Search for text accompaniying the link? The description must be on the same line as a link to be matched.

Filtering by channel

Tixati searches in all available channels it knows about. You cannot change that, but you can specify which channel's results you are interested in, after the search has finished.
On the top right you can see a list of known channels. Clicking on any channel will limit the shown results to only shares coming from this channel. Clicking on "All Channels" resets this filter.

The search filter is case-insensitive, that means "searchterm" will find both "SearchTerm" and "searchterm".

For search terms multiple modes are available:

Any: match names that contain at least one word (logical OR)
debian amd64 will find all Debian versions and all other OS/Software distributions with "amd64" in their names

All: match names that must contain all of the entered words (logical AND)
debian amd64 will only find 64-bit versions of Debian.

Phrase: match names that contain all words in their original consecutive order (ordered logical AND)
the bible and will find all names that contain this phrase, e.g. "The Bible of Christianity" and "The.Bible" but not "The Holy Bible" (not real share names)

Exact: match names that contain this exact text string, search term is not modified in any way. will only find literal "The.Bible" names, but not "The Bible"

Regex: (advanced) The Extended POSIX Regular Expression syntax is used (GNU libc), you will know it from GNU programs like grep (egrep). A partial string match is enough. Many symbols have a special meaning, search online for tutorials.
debian\-9\.[5-8] will match "debian-9.Y" transfers, where Y is a number 5, 6, 7 or 8.
debian\-.*?9\.[5-8] similar to the pattern above, with the addition of .*? - this will allow to match any symbols in between "debian-" and "9.", additionally finding us "debian-mac-9.Y", "debian-live-9.Y" etc.

For "Any, All, Phrase" modes, the entered word must be matched entirely for a hit. Example: search term "pen" will not match "the pencil" but will match "the pen". The "Exact" mode would have matched both.

Finally, "Any" and "All" modes support enclosing "multiple words in quotes" to designate a phrase. For example, to find a transfer that has all of the entered phrases in their title: "phrase one" "phrase two". In "Phrase" mode, a match must be in the same order as the search terms, and any quotes are ignored - the entire search term is already one continuous phrase.

Words, dots and whitespaces

Above we talked about "words" as part of search terms. By our understanding of human languages, words are separated by spaces. However torrent naming schemes are different thus Tixati defines "spaces" differently for search purposes.
All characters that are not alpha-numeric and are lower than Unicode character U+80 are counted as whitespace.
Simply put, anything in ASCII range 0-128 that is not a letter nor a digit (A-Z0-9) is considered a space. Following this logic, dots, parentheses, dashes etc. .()-_ separate words too. Any weirder punctuation characters from Unicode are not handled.

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