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VirtualBox User Guide
VirtualBox is a free Virtual Machine software that can run a computer inside your computer. It is often used to isolate your real system from whatever you will be running inside the VM.

Terminology: your real system is called "Host" and your simulated system is called "Guest".

Issue: Shared folders cannot be selected on a Linux guest.

Reason: Your host/guest user does not have write permissions to the target/shared folder.

1. On host: check if you can create files inside the target folder.
2. On guest follow the steps below.

Find shared folder path: run command in terminal mount | grep vboxsf
If the folder was mounted, you should see highlighted lines. If not then make sure to install Guest Additions.

can-i-see-this on /media/sf_can-i-see-this type vboxsf (rw,nodev,relatime)
The path is "/media/sf_can-i-see-this" and it's read-writeable.

Change directory and try to look inside:
cd /media/; ls "sf_can-i-see-this"
The answer is no: "ls: cannot open directory 'sf_can-i-see-this': Permission denied"

Why is that? See who this folder belongs to (list all files and folders in here):
ls -l
Answer: "drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 4096  24 dec 04:20 sf_can-i-see-this"
d = directory, we know already
rwx = root: the root user is the owner and can read/write/look inside
rwx = vboxsf: it's the group, anybody in this group can do the same
--- = anybody else is disallowed from doing anything

What's the name of my user account?
Answer: "myuser". I am definitely not root.

What groups am I in?
groups or myname=$(whoami); grep -F "$myname" /etc/group
Answer: many groups listed, including my own name (it's both a user and a group) but no "vboxsf"

Solution: Give me "vboxsf" group so I can have rwx permissions over the shared folder.

Command: sudo usermod --append --groups "vboxsf" "$(whoami)"
NOTE: You will show up in (2) group settings, but not in (1) current groups.

After you find yourself in the "vboxsf" group, Tixati will work with the shared folder fine.

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