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Settings - Transfers - Files
[img style=inline width=750]settings - transfers - files_v289.png[/img] [b]File completion shell commands[/b] [indent]For some basic details on using the File Completion Shell Commands feature, see [url="file completion shell commands"] File Completion Shell Commands[/url] [/indent] [b]Peer read caching[/b] [indent]Options are: [indent]Direct Reads Batching Strong batching Predictive (default) Strong predictive 64 KB blocks 128 KB blocks 256 KB blocks 512 KB blocks 1 MB blocks 2 MB blocks 4 MB blocks 8 MB blocks [/indent] [/indent] [b]File Allocation[/b] [indent]Options are: 1. Full Pre-write [indent](Using this option will help prevent disk fragmentation on certain older filesystems, but will also cause a delay when new transfers are initializing due to the need to write out the entire file (with zeroed data) to the hard-drive. Only use this option if you are sure you need it.)[/indent] 2. Fast Allocate (default) 3. Sparse Files (is the fastest method, but may be presumed to cause the most file fragmentation)[/indent] [b]File delete method[/b] [indent]Select the way you want to delete files. Options are: 1. Confirm Delete 2. Confirm Delete/Trash 3. Confirm Trash 4. Direct to Trash [/indent] [b]Incomplete file name format[/b] [indent]Temporary definable tag added on incomplete files. Original filename restored on file completion.[/indent] [b]Auto-select files in new transfers[/b] [indent]Auto-select files feature helps to trim useless files from newly-loaded torrents quickly, and if single file remains, move it into outer download folder. Files can be selected by name-matching or file size parameters. Click the Configure button to customize the behavior. For more information, see [url="file auto select"]File Auto-Select[/url].[/indent] [b]Move individual files immediately on completion[/b] [indent]When enabled, files will be moved as completed, not waiting for all files in the torrent to finish.[/indent] [b]Directly move file/folder if possible when changing location[/b] [indent]If this option is active, all moves within the same hard-disk partition will happen by re-linking the file to the new location instead of moving it by copying / deleting.[/indent] [b]Error on missing downloaded files[/b] [indent]If this option is active, a transfer that has previously created it's files will stop with an error if it can not find those files the next time it is started. This prevents re-downloading data that may simply have been moved to a different location between sessions. If this option is not active, the transfer will simply re-create the files from scratch and start downloading from the beginning.[/indent] [b]Skip last-write time checks[/b] [indent](Not recommended)[/indent]
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